Our Team

Alan Lin

A self-proclaimed camera-nerd, Alan hopes to pursue a career as a cinematographer. He is currently a senior studying English at Yale University. His love for cinema began with his purchase of The Simpsons Movie on Blu-Ray at the age of 7, and he has never looked back since.

Annelise Ayuravann Ratner

Raised in Southeast Asia, Annelise seeks, among other narrative endeavors, to tell stories focused on the region and its diasporic histories and imaginations. Between binging YouTube videos on cinematography and screenwriting, she likes to go on long, meandering walks (and talks) and eat spicy food until her eyes water. She graduated with a BA in Film from Yale in 2023.



Charles Gleberman

Charlie Gleberman is a cinematographer and producer from New York City. He enjoys long walks but generally not on beaches because he finds sand to be coarse and believes it gets everywhere. He graduated from Yale with a BA in Art (concentrating in photography) in 2023, but he still continues to value collaborative art-making over formal education.



Emily Rodriguez

Emily is recent graduate of Yale University, studying Film and Media. She hails from Bloomington, IL, as does her lifelong dream of becoming a writer/director/actress. When she's not editing Foothills films, she teaches herself French, roots avidly for the Cubs, and frantically yell-sings Heathers the Musical from dusk until dawn.

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Pablo Causa

Pablo Causa is a Yale College student set to graduate in December 2023. He is a Film and Media Studies major. He joined Foothills as part of Season 2 and has since acted, directed, and written as part of this experience. He plans to continue working on small films and can’t wait for the next project.


Ryan Zhou

Ryan Zhou - is a filmmaker from San Diego, CA who has had a strong relationship with movies since his first time to the theater to see Meet the Robinsons which gave him nightmares throughout his childhood. Since his random assignment to a video film class in his first year of high school and his many nights spent discovering scenic parts of San Diego with a DSLR, he has continued to develop his filmmaking at Yale. Outside of film, Ryan enjoys pickup basketball, forgetting how to play the viola, and a very occasional video game or two.



Sophia Hall

Sophia Hall (she/her/hers) is an actor, singer, writer and director from Seattle, Washington. Having primarily studied theater for much of her life, Foothills has been a welcome opportunity to explore a new medium from both performance and production perspectives. She greatly enjoyed the process of writing, acting and directing in such a collaborative environment, and couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to film. She is looking forward to watching projects from Seasons 1 and 2 of Foothills continue to develop, and can’t wait to work with the Foothillies again in the near future!

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Zoe Sinclair

What to say about Zoe? Yes, she graduated from Yale majoring in Film & Media Studies, but what ELSE?! Well, she loves chowin’ down delectable eats just as much as she loves jammin’ to groovy tunes. She’s a hopeless romantic who’s hopeless at love (how original, I know). And she’s a family and friends oriented gal who cares for her loved ones as only an eldest sister can. But of most relevance here: she has a passion for writing and directing that is unmatched by any other pursuit in her life.
